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  Guerilla grow in the swamp (Avg Rating: 7.1 in 47 votes)   Down in the swamp land

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unfinished buckets added 04/22/03

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Tired of coughing up phlegm?? Here at GrowKind we switched from smoking to vaporizing 10 years ago, and our lungs have never felt better. In that time we have tried every vaporizer you can think of including domes, digital vaporizers, light bulbs, heat guns, and the volcano. Some work better than others but after all that time we still go back every day to our vape pens. Do yourself and your lungs a favor and head over to Vaporwarehouse. Don't Smoke! -- Vaporize!

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  Pictures (102 total)
The babies 1 week old 05/04/03
Home made security I used my engineering background to make a device with a trip wire and a BLANK shotgun shell.Youbolt it to a tree,run the trip wire,and when someone trips the wire it makes a very loud bang.Note this weill not hurt or maime just makes a noise. 05/04/03
some babies These are some babies that sprouted.2 are Amnesia(romxChemoxww)my own cross.And the other one is from a WW that i pollinated with another WW 04/27/03
GS clones in the aero-cloner Some clones in the cloner.The one at the end was a flowered top.I thought i would see how easy or hard it would be to root,and it looks like like it won't be hard at all.PS that ugly duct tape is just used to cover up unused holes to keep the light out. 04/27/03
A GS clone Here's a GS clone that's doing well 04/27/03
A critter see here in the south nature comes right to your door.This is Rocky...he really likes cat food 04/27/03
Overhead view this is the area above the plot 04/26/03
The plot hereis where they will be.It is an open area that gets direct overhead sun from noon till sunset 04/26/03
Finished the buckets this is not the actual place they will be but you can see how they blend in 04/26/03
unfinished buckets 04/22/03

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