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  1st grow in soil (Avg Rating: 6.5 in 35 votes)   uk

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canopy12days 12/12 added 09/13/03
allfecking kinds
allfecking kinds

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Tired of coughing up phlegm?? Here at GrowKind we switched from smoking to vaporizing 10 years ago, and our lungs have never felt better. In that time we have tried every vaporizer you can think of including domes, digital vaporizers, light bulbs, heat guns, and the volcano. Some work better than others but after all that time we still go back every day to our vape pens. Do yourself and your lungs a favor and head over to Vaporwarehouse. Don't Smoke! -- Vaporize!

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  Pictures (58 total)
nlightsday12 looks nice hope its a girl 02/08/03
bigbgumday12 bigger than other bet its a fucking boy 02/08/03
smlbgumday12 bit worried by this little beauty the edges of my leafs are yellowing 02/08/03
smlbgumsick 02/09/03
nlights at 3wks 02/18/03
sml bgum at 3wks 02/18/03
bigbgumday3 wks 02/18/03
group at 31 days in attic 02/27/03
alternating growth i hope 02/27/03
alt growth 02/27/03
alt growth i hope 02/27/03
smlbgum31days nearly as big as other bgum now 02/27/03
bigbgum31days 02/27/03
nlights31days 02/27/03
lotsof new growth 02/27/03
boy at 12days..i think nlights at 12 days flower 03/18/03
another shot male12 days flower same nlights 03/18/03
b/gum girl at 12days flower a girl i hope 03/18/03
4wks flower my 2 babies 4 wks into flower filling out nicely.both same age but can you guess which one is 2 nodes higher? 04/03/03
white pistils big main cola at 5wks 12/12 04/09/03
another shot of cola 5wks 12/12 04/09/03
lots of pistals all white 04/09/03
wide shot 5wks 12/12 wide shot little girl 04/09/03
group 5wks 12/12 04/09/03
bigcola at 5 1/2wks 04/15/03
brownhairs at 5 1/2 wks 04/15/03
brownhairs in group at 5 1/2 wks 04/15/03
group of bud brown hairs 5 1/2wk 04/15/03
group shot at 5 1/2 wks 04/15/03
sml cola at 5 1/2 wks 04/15/03
closeup at 5 1/2wks 04/15/03
my smaller baby girl all grown u 7wks 12/12 04/23/03
my bigger baby girl-lots of clon 7wks 12/12 this beauty is 2 nodes bigger and seems a bigger yielder than her sister but both same age 04/23/03
yellowing after flush yellowing after flush 04/23/03
big cola- well for me its huge nice fat cola at 7wks 12/12 04/23/03
wtf seed pod or male flower wtf 04/23/03
pod pod 04/23/03
mmmmm mmmmmmm? 04/23/03
? ? 04/23/03
harvest- jar of popcorn jar of popcorn buds 05/16/03
plant1 little one of the 2 05/16/03
plant 2 slightly bigger of the 2 05/16/03
early cut stuff at 7wks cut early for a comparison,i wont do it again not half as good as late stuff 05/16/03
buds off first harvested plant buds nice 05/16/03
canopy12days 12/12 allfecking kinds 09/13/03
lol lol 09/13/03
easyleaf grinder grinder 11/30/03
spirit bigspirit 11/30/03
open grinder grinder/insert/lid 12/03/03
open grinder 2 looking at grinder and insert 12/03/03
closed grinder insert added lid to go on 12/03/03
capfull of bgum to grind mmmm bubblegum 12/03/03
bowl to grind bowl of bgum 12/03/03
all ground all ground nice 12/03/03
ground bgum ground bgum 12/03/03
kif kif mmmmmm 12/03/03
hash impure hash but who cares 12/03/03
mucky bowl mmm look at all that kif hehe 12/03/03

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