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  My Girls (Avg Rating: 0.0 in 33 votes)   Australia
DescriptionSecond time grower, went ok with first plants but planted to late in the year, they were grown outside and when our weather changed they were only about 3ft high when they started to head. Butt i was a happy boy for a little while....... Now i have 3 more plants growing and they seem to be doing real well...... fingers crossed they are all girls, My wife who doesnt smoke, but allows me my pleasure has names them Mary, Jane,and Gertrude, Gertrude has had a hard life so far she has been outside none stop, she has been eaten, sat on by cats, and last night had a leaf chewed off by a 9week old border collie.... but throu all of this she fights back...... the pics i have taken where taken to send to a friend, but after finding this site i thought id post them here
# Plants3
StrainsDont know......If u know tell me.
LightsMr Sun
YieldNo idea yet
First Marijuana Picture

Tired of coughing up phlegm?? Here at GrowKind we switched from smoking to vaporizing 10 years ago, and our lungs have never felt better. In that time we have tried every vaporizer you can think of including domes, digital vaporizers, light bulbs, heat guns, and the volcano. Some work better than others but after all that time we still go back every day to our vape pens. Do yourself and your lungs a favor and head over to Vaporwarehouse. Don't Smoke! -- Vaporize!

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