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  table zombiweed take 1 (Avg Rating: 6.1 in 50 votes)   Australia
DescriptionWell here go's this is my second attemt at a table,(used to allways do pots.)first time was a disaster 20 oz only so I thought Ide put it on here so I have to try harder this time.If you watch this site I will update picture's weekly as well as putting info on what Im doing and when with the food,lighting and p/h so here we go. WEEK : 1 First week of about ten I recon just put the babys in after about three weeks of cloning.I am going to start the food(bud rite) for the babys at about 750 to 850 ppm.for their first week with the p/h at a range of 5.8 to 6.1. with an air stone in the 60 liter resivoir to put some oxygen in the soloution to keep the nasties away. I have 1 inwards fan at the bottom of the room with an outwards fan at the top to extract the heat and keep a temp range of about 13.c min to 31.c max,to keep the minimum temp as high as i can I will start the (Metal halid lamps only at this stage) from 6pm to 12 pm on the eighteen hour cycle so the light keeps the temp. up at night and the daytime temp. does the rest for me,the sodiam vapour will be introduced at a later date as these colours are not required at the moment and would be just a waist of resources. WEEK:2 Well im still here so I must be doing something right so here goe's.this week im going to start by spraying with sensa spray to make sure im not growing 21 blokes cause that would suck,this makes them go a bit withery but as long as they are healthy they will bounce back in about 7 to 10 days so it says on the bottle.The food we will increase to between 1200ppm to 1250 ppm as they should have established themselfs by now to go allmost full speed now,ph stays the same,lights same.Also this week it is time for the regular clean of the system all fluids removed resivoir wiped out thoughly and clean water (reduced to 5.8 to 6.1 ph)to be run through the system for one day,the next day I repeat the process and top up with normal solution 1200ppm. WEEK 3: Well they droped a bit last week as I expected but also have bounced back just as expected so we are still operational.This week I will increase the food again to inbetween 1350ppm and 1400ppm as they are now established and ready to go full steam ahead.p/h stays the same,regular clean as described i week 2.Ive also added nutriboost this week to enhance more bud site's and have purchased a new aditive this week but you will have to watch to find out what it is cause im not useing it yet ,all I will say its top shit ,its new and its realy exciting so keep's some more pic's anyhow. Week 4: Still here they have a few spider mites but they will live ,Ill give them a spray with mortine house and garden.time to turn down now so now I will add super bud it stops upward groth on the plant and imeadiatly begins to bud,havn't tryed it before but so we will see how we go.At this time I wiil thoroughly clean the system as decribed in previous weeks,I will also change my food to A bloom concentrate to give them the nutriants they need at this stage. Have a good week bye (-:).........
# Plants21
Lights1x1000w 1x400w M/H 1x400 S/VAP
Mediumrockwool blocks 150x150
First Marijuana Picture

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