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  PhIr3's Variety Garden - Flowering (Avg Rating: in 1253 votes)   Rotterdam

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KillaBanna Top Flower added 07/23/02

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  Pictures (155 total)
536 Indica 05/26/02
White Rhino Germinated seed on 4/20 05/26/02
Shorty Sativa Shorty Sativa Germinated 4/20 05/27/02
My Sick White Rhino I think this is Nitrogen difient 05/28/02
White Rhino Sick 1 Poor Baby Please advise in Cult Forum 05/28/02
White Rhino Sick 2 Cultivation Forum for advice please 05/28/02
Flowering Healthy White Rhino Named her Zoloft. Got past the health problems and got some nice flowers. 06/28/02
Zoloft from above Nice flowers. I am training the branches if u can tell. 06/28/02
Zoloft 1 Top This plant has 2 main tops and 9 lower branches: total height 15 inches 06/28/02
Zoloft Flower Closeup NICE!!! 06/28/02
Zoloft entire Top 65 days from seed and 15 days into flowering 06/28/02
Zoloft lower branch flower Flowering nicely 06/28/02
536 Balls Definitly a male. It took 7 days of flowering before i could detect the male balls with a 6x magnifying glass 06/28/02
536 Balls2 Here is a good pic of a male flower cluster. 06/28/02
Sorty Sativa is now named KillaB She is so sweet with some masive resin buildup. 06/28/02
KillaBanna Flower She stands 16 inches tall 65 days from seed 15 days in flower 06/28/02
KillaBanna Flower 2 Nice 06/28/02
KillaBanna 34 days in flower This is after a 5 day vacation so it hadnt been watered and looks a little limp here. Perked right up after i watered. 07/11/02
KillaBanna Top Right top I think. I was trying to get under the flower to show the lower growth. 07/11/02
KillaBanna Top (closeup) Its almost time! But since I dont do drugs I will be burning the plants soon. 07/11/02
KillaBanna Top (closeup) 2 Nice! 07/11/02
Zoloft 07/11/02
Zoloft Tops Double Flower Towers! This is White Rhino. 07/11/02
Zoloft Top Flower from Above This is NIOCE! 07/11/02
Zoloft Other Top Flower from Abo Oh MY! 07/11/02
Zoloft Right Top Flower Tower 07/11/02
Zoloft 3 lower branch flower I have been training these branches for awhile now and it seems to be working well. 07/11/02
Zoloft lower branch flower This is 1 of the bigger lower flowers. 07/11/02
Zoloft Top Noice pic of 1 of the top colas. 07/11/02
Zoloft left Top 07/11/02
Zoloft Top 07/11/02
Zoloft lower branch flower Noice! 07/11/02
KillaBanna 30x Closeup Nice Crystals and a few red hairs visible here. 07/12/02
KillaBanna 30x Closeup Again some nice crystals and a few red hairs. This pic is from the same flower. 07/12/02
KillaBanna Flower This is the flower i used for the closeups below. 07/12/02
KillaBanna Foursome I cool pic of 4 KillaBanna flowers. 07/12/02
KillaBanna Top Nice closeup. 07/12/02
Zoloft 10x Flower Here is an above pic of a Zoloft flower. I used my 10x loupe in front of the lens for these pics. 07/12/02
Zoloft 10x Flower 2 Another beautiful picture. 07/12/02
Zoloft 10x Flower 3 And yet another. 07/12/02
Zoloft Flower Towers Nice cola. 07/12/02
Zoloft Full Shot 07/12/02
Dead Leaves These are the leaves from 2 plants that died and fell during flowering. 07/15/02
KillaBanna Top (closeup) Just an update. 07/16/02
Zoloft 10x Flower Title says it all. 07/16/02
Zoloft Flower Almost ready I think 07/16/02
Zoloft lower branch flower 07/16/02
Zoloft Tops 07/16/02
FIM 07/16/02
Zoloft almost dead from over-fer Just adding this old pic so I can add it to a post. 07/18/02
The Perfect FIM A nice FIM on an outdoor experiment. 07/19/02
The Perfect FIM 2 Another angle 07/19/02
Prozac young deformed I have high hopes for this bag seed. It looks a lot like KillaBanna as a young plant and may have come from the same bag. 1 less clone I have to take. 07/19/02
Prozac About 30 days from seed. 07/20/02
BananaPeel 40 days from seed. 07/20/02
Zoloft 94 days from seed 46 days in flower 07/23/02
Zoloft Colas Flower Towers 07/23/02
KillaBanna Tops 94 days from seed 46 days in flower 07/23/02
KillaBanna Top Flower Noice 07/23/02
KillaBanna Top Flower A differnt angle 07/23/02
KillaBanna Main Cola filling in Under the right top. Lower flowers joining bud. 07/23/02
KillaBanna 30x closeup of main c Almost ready? 07/23/02
KillaBanna 30x closeup of main c I love this picture. Its a nice shot of the colax with pistils emerging. 07/23/02
KillaBanna 10x closeup of tricho See how cloudy there are. And they have changed color. 07/23/02
Bio-Degradeable Soil Cubes What I use for germinating and clones. 07/24/02
The table TrU3_SaTiVA and I built this for watering. 07/25/02
Tha Closet 07/25/02
KillaBanna Before I manicured the bud. 07/25/02
Zoloft Flower Towers 48 days in flower 07/25/02
KillaBanna 48 days in flower 07/25/02
The HArvester From above with manicured sun leaves in the bottom. 07/25/02
Below the Harvester You can see the holes I made for extra ventalation. 07/25/02
Harvester ventilation I have a small fan blowing in a hole I cut. I put the can in there to help keep light out. Its totally dark when its covered. 07/25/02
Harvester 07/25/02
KillaBanna Marked After manicure and marked where I plan on cutting. 07/25/02
Bad FIM FIM gone bad! 07/29/02
FIM ok 1 of the 4 FIMs turned out ok. 07/29/02
My youngest 1 I just call it "new" 07/29/02
Another new This 1 I fert as an experiment .. look at the growth and not even an inch tall yet. 07/29/02
KB top ready for harvest? See the amber color of crystals and the swollen colayx? 07/29/02
KB ready for harvest? See the amber crystals on this 10x closeup of 1 top 07/29/02
KB 10x Closeup More amber crystals 07/29/02
KB Same bud ... just a little closer to the top 07/29/02
KB 30x Closeup Same bud at 30x 07/29/02
KB bud .. moving closer 07/29/02
KB Top standing tall before harv 07/29/02
KB The other top What an awesome pic! 07/29/02
KB Top a little closer please 07/29/02
KillaBanna the big picture 07/29/02
Zoloft Update 07/29/02
New in the morning 07/30/02
Another New in the morning 07/30/02
The Closet 07/30/02
Watering table 07/30/02
Banana Peel training 07/30/02
Another Banana Peel training pic 07/30/02
Prozac (Indica Female) This is possibly another KillaBanna strain. I will know for sure and change the name accordingly after I see the flowers. No fertilizers at all, just started training to control vertical height, 48 days from seed 5 days in flower. You can see the bend in this pic. 08/04/02
Prozac This is a great picture of the bend from training. 08/04/02
Prozac Another good picture of the training bend. 08/04/02
Prozac PreFlower This is a 10x photo of the preflower after 4 days into flowering. 08/04/02
Prozac FEMALE! WOOOHOOO after 4 days of me sexing outside you can see in this 10x photo the beautiful little white pistils!!! 08/04/02
Prozac FEMALE! Another nice 10x pistil shot after 4 days of sexing outside! 08/04/02
NEW This plant is 21 days from seed and I call it NEW. It is probably another KillaBanna. It is Indica for sure. This 1 have been ferting and adding SuperThrive once a week. It is the youngest of the three in my little outdoor experiment. 08/04/02
NEW - inside growth Nice growth on this 2 inch plant. Man SuperThrive rocks. 08/04/02
Banana Peel (sativa) 58 days from seed. I have FIMed this plant 5 times and pruned it 4 times. This plant also gets 0 fertilizers. 08/04/02
Banana Peel See how the tops are bent from the training. This plant has 5 tops and i am training them to even out their growth. 08/04/02
All 3 participants Here are the 3 plants that make up my outdoor experiment. Left to Right: Prozac (female indica, maybe killabanna, 48days from seed and 4 days into flowering, never topped, pruned, or fertilized), BananaPeel (bagseed sativa, FIMed 5 times, pruned 4 times, no fertilizers, also being trained, 58 days from seed), weird how the indica is so much taller then the sativia when the sativa is 10 days older but the sativa was FIMed and pruned and the indica wasnt. Far right is indica NEW, probably also killabanna, 21 days from seed, and ferted with SuperThrive. 08/04/02
First Harvest Smoke 08/07/02
KillaBanna Top I will harvest this bud today I think. 08/07/02
KillaBanna The whole plant. 08/07/02
New Veg/Flower Chamber New floor and I painted the table white 08/07/02
Veg/Flower Floor I put in some white painted boards to replace the carpet floor. 08/07/02
The new 400watt HPS 08/07/02
My light proof Cloning chamber I built a sliding door, and rebuilt the top shelf for light proofness. 08/07/02
Cloning Chamber open lights off Here is the cloning chamber opened up with lights off 08/07/02
Cloning Chamber open lights on Here is the door open with the lights on. 08/07/02
Zoloft An update on Zoloft (White Rhino) 08/07/02
Zoloft Tops Man when these buds finish filling in this is gonna be tha bomb shitz. 08/07/02
KillaBanna Lower Buds Harvested I just cut some lower growth that wasnt gonna catch up. 08/07/02
KillaBanna manicured these are the same buds manicured. 08/07/02
KillaBanna Top Drying This 1 weighed in at 9grams. 08/09/02
KillaBanna Top Drying A closer shot at the 9gram top. 08/09/02
Zoloft Filing in nicely It should be ready in a few weeks. 08/09/02
Weed on DMT I smoked some DMT and pissed on my plant and this is what happened. 08/09/02
Prozac is Hermie That biotch! 08/13/02
Prozac is Hermie Here is another pic showing male and female flowers together. 08/13/02
KillaBanna Harvested top Here is a top harvested from KillaBanna, already dried and weighing in @ 6 grams. 08/13/02
Prozac Hermie I marked this pic to show the noobies. 08/15/02
HPS A picture of my 400watt EYE bulb without the 4 foot rail. 08/15/02
KillaBanna 1/2 through harvest 08/15/02
10x Closeup White Rhino I guess this is why they call it White Rhino! 08/15/02
Another 10x Zoloft shot Another nice White Rhino closeup 08/15/02
White Rhino Bud Very noice 08/15/02
Rhino Pistils A nice pic of some White Rhino pistils. 08/15/02
White Rhino flower OH MY! 08/15/02
White Rhino Flowers Nice pic. 08/15/02
White Rhino Filling in nicely 08/15/02
Zoloft This is a High Times pic. 08/15/02
White Rhino Lower buds 08/15/02
White Rhino Phat Buds NOICE! 68 days flowering now. The plant is a total 117 days old. 08/15/02
NEW is male I pulled him the day I took this pic. 08/22/02
NEW is male just another pic of the male flowers 08/22/02
Prozac The big picture. 08/26/02
Prozac Pistils 08/26/02
Zoloft 08/26/02
Zoloft Top 08/26/02
Banana Peel In the ground and doing good! 08/30/02
Zoloft top 86 days in flower and I got a mouth full! 09/01/02
Zoloft's last harvest This is the other top 09/06/02
Another view of the same bud 09/06/02
Manicuring the same bud 09/06/02
Zoloft after manicure This is all of it. About 70 grams wet and 50 dry. This White Rhino really is a 1 hit wonder! 09/06/02
Zoloft after harvest before mani 09/06/02
Zoloft lower buds These are the lower buds after manicure. 09/06/02
Zoloft Harvested bud 09/06/02

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