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  MrsJones (Avg Rating: 0.0 in -25 votes)   Pluto on the third neb.

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Sexy Lady added 04/19/08
To quote Stevie Wonder,
To quote Stevie Wonder, "Isn't she lovely?"

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Tired of coughing up phlegm?? Here at GrowKind we switched from smoking to vaporizing 10 years ago, and our lungs have never felt better. In that time we have tried every vaporizer you can think of including domes, digital vaporizers, light bulbs, heat guns, and the volcano. Some work better than others but after all that time we still go back every day to our vape pens. Do yourself and your lungs a favor and head over to Vaporwarehouse. Don't Smoke! -- Vaporize!

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  Pictures (26 total)
Mrs Jones Looking good Hairs coming out 03/06/08
Mrs Jones Looking good Hairs coming out the top 03/06/08
branched off One of the branches 03/06/08
healthy look nice and green 03/06/08
top view top view 03/06/08
another top view another view of the hairs from the top 03/06/08
some more hairs and such as previously stated 03/06/08
more hairs shooting out once again some hairs 03/06/08
HPS lighting system one of the lights i use. The one that really turned my garden back in the right direction. 03/10/08
Another shot of my baby some fruits of the labor starting to show. 03/10/08
how it all starts out another one i had. Turned out to be a dude so I killed his ass for trying to get my daughter pregnant. 03/13/08
Another shot of my top filling o Oh so sexy, took this shot and then i came. Pictures just don't do it justice. 03/13/08
Pure Sexy It is just starting to get that nasty smell to it. 03/13/08
Just some sexy hairs She is just starting to fill out nicely. 03/13/08
More growth The top filling out oh so nicely. 03/29/08
Another sexy top I call this one ET Phone home because the ways the hairs are stretched out. 03/29/08
Crystals Tricomes have started weighing down some of the leaves a bit 03/29/08
Some of the mid some of the mid section developments featured here. 03/29/08
Nice lil tiny bud Its beginning to look a lot like blueberry. Smells this way too. I was told it was G-13 out of California but who knows in a bag that you find a seed from. 04/15/08
Two fatties for ya early on but they are about 4 cm tall and 3 wide 04/15/08
Taking shape Taking shape quite well i would say. That deadline drawing closer and closer. Drives me crazy looking at it and smelling it. 04/15/08
Sexy Lady To quote Stevie Wonder, "Isn't she lovely?" 04/19/08
My light Picture of 150 HPS upgraded in towards end of grow. This is my little personal grow so the 50w might have been enough but the 150 just seems to work so much better. 04/19/08
Hairs Hairs that could rival Don King. 04/19/08
Close to branch Upclose on one of the branches with the nug really starting to develop at the end of it. I'm proud of my first/last grow. 04/19/08
Looking up Well this is probably about it until the harvest pics. 04/19/08

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