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DAY 87: Week 7 of 12/12 added 10/24/07
purple rhino #2:
Note: I didn't water my garden for 6 entire days just to see how much stress they can handle.  Results: other than signs of heat stress due to underwatering; they all handled the stress very well!
purple rhino #2: Note: I didn't water my garden for 6 entire days just to see how much stress they can handle. Results: other than signs of heat stress due to underwatering; they all handled the stress very well!

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Tired of coughing up phlegm?? Here at GrowKind we switched from smoking to vaporizing 10 years ago, and our lungs have never felt better. In that time we have tried every vaporizer you can think of including domes, digital vaporizers, light bulbs, heat guns, and the volcano. Some work better than others but after all that time we still go back every day to our vape pens. Do yourself and your lungs a favor and head over to Vaporwarehouse. Don't Smoke! -- Vaporize!

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  Pictures (132 total)
11 dayz after sprout Front pic of 3 Purple Rhinos. NYCD on front left. 08/12/07
My Veggy Light Day 11 A 240watt 4ft floro veggy grolite! 11 dayz after sprout. 24/0 light cycle! 08/14/07
BirdzEye Day 11 My Veggy Guano Tea Mix Regimen: Mix 1/3 cup of each organic element into a 5 gallon bucket of water. I use a fountain water pump to aerate this mixture. I don't use air pumps because it causes the presences of Bubbles overflowing from the bucket! I allow 48hrs of dry cycle before I water! The only soil amendments I used was dolomitic lime. This was probably unnecessary since there's plenty of Magnesium & Calcium in Tap Water... 08/14/07
Day 21: Ak47 5 gallon pots. Transplanted shot. The Guano Tea Mix is "dummy proof"; and is Eco-Friendly! 08/25/07
Day 26 Ak47 Lower left in NYCD at Day 26 The Ak47 is sativa pheno dominant 08/25/07
BirdzEye Day 26 It's very hot in there but they don't seem to mind...maybe becuz the 5 gallon pots haver a 2inch layer of perlite for the water taps to feed 'em the drainage water.My Soil Mix Formula: 50% Composted Potting Soil, 30% Perlite, 20% EarthWorm Castings with a 2" Layer of Perlite&Charcoal to prevent over/underwatering. 08/25/07
Day 26 Canopy Pot Shot! It gets Really Hot in there to around 88f to 95f but they seem to like it! I will hafta widen the passive intake later on! **Udate: I upgraded to an "active intake fan"...less than $10 @ Walmart! Temperature is now steady @ 82.6F ! 08/25/07
Day 26 Canopy II 800watts With the 400w HPS and 400w MH in view! Very Nice Shot! ***Update: I added another desktop fan; so now I have an "active" intake. Temperature far so good! But surprisingly, they look extremely healthy an I'm happy with the new growth! This is 48hrs after the 800watt Regimen of 24/0 light cycle. 08/25/07
Day 21 Transplanted Kush Growing very fast! Right after transplanting into a 5 gallon pot. They won't fit under the 240w flouros anymore; so I'll put 'em under the 400w HPS next! 08/25/07
Day 26 Left Side Canopy NYCD on top right Purple Rhino by itz left. Explosive growth under 400watts(5dayz) oppossed to the 240watt flouros. Went 5 days of 400w. Now 48hrs after upgrading to 800w regimen. 08/25/07
Day 21Purple Rhino Freshly transplant at end of week 2 to a 5gallon pot! Wait 2 weekz & they will show the dramatic explosion of growth! I must also switch to 400w since they won't fit under the flouros anymore... 08/25/07
Recovering PowerPlant Day 26 On Day 12: I overwatered some of them! Ph went wacky causing nute deficiencies/stress on mostly the powerplant strains. The other strains handled the overwatering well! IN the 5 gallon buckets: it's practically impossible to overwater-i know that now! The powerplant in the small center orange pot lost all of its fan leaves becuz i drown them! That's what happens when you don't leave a 2 inch layer of perlite on the bottom for proper drainage! Yes-the 5gallon pots are all layered with Perlite...and I'm already sure that the Cannabis Water tap roots have already reached it! It's almost like a passive hydroponic wick system! Awsome! 08/25/07
Day 13 transplanted into 5 gallo 48hrs in the big pots and they are adjust well. I give 'em Guano Tea Mix Once per Week. I allow 48hrs of dry before I water! They need 5 gallons every watering. I used strictly tap water aired out overnite. 08/25/07
Day 26 Canopy III 48hrs under the extra 400 w MH HID and they look AWSOME. Even though Heat is a Major Factor...there growth is explosive despite 95f closet temp due to the extra 400w MH! Humidity around 44%.By having an "active intake desktop fan"; temperature's stabilized @ 82.6F! YES! 08/25/07
Stanley Blower & Carbon Air Scru I had to also add an "active" intake by enlarging it and installing a desktop fan. So far so used to be 95f with the door closed on an 800w 24/0 regimen. I checked the temp. 24hrs later and it's stable at 82.6F !! Excellent! 08/26/07
My Sole Ak47 day 31 Right after Guano Tea some tea on the leaves...Ak47 has the skinniest leaves. 08/29/07
Oscillating FAN Day 31 Bird'z eye view of oscillating fan blowing across the canopy on day 34. 08/29/07
Bird View Day31 Nice Day 31 canopy shot day after guano regimen. 08/29/07
Closet Door My Cheapo Walmart Active intake fan can be seen on botton of door. Active Stanley Blower Exhaust on top. 08/29/07
Getting Bushy Everyday 31 Day after guana tea regimen...looking really bush. No alternating nodes yet. 08/29/07
Canopy Day 31 All strains look very different. 08/29/07
Purple Rhino Left Side Day 31 Purple Rhino on left. 08/29/07
NYCD Day 31 Stays very small and unique. 08/29/07
NYCD Day 31 II NYCD on rear right. Purple Rhino left. 08/29/07
Peak in the Closet Day 31 Filling out nicely on day 31. Mh bulb on left...Hps bulb on right. 08/29/07
Upgraded ballast day 31 A lot cooler in the room now. Stays at 82.6F. 08/29/07
NYCD & KUSH DAY 40 - Bloom Wk1 . 1st week in 12/12. NYCD in foreground;2 kushes beside her. 09/07/07
DAY 40 -Three Amigos/Males 3 males-ak47,nycd & purple rhino powered...keeping 'em long enough to extract pollen. Trasplanted 'em into 1 pot. 09/07/07
DAY 40 -Purple Rhino .Female My Bushiest&Shortest purple rhino girl outta the 3. Transition Phase Guano Tea Regimen: mix 1/3 cup of each organic element into 5 gallons of water: PSG, Indonesian Bat Guano, EWC, & Kelp. Use a fountain pump to agitate it overnite. I sometimes wet the soil with dechlorinated tap water before I water with the Guano Tea Transition Phase Regimen. Administer Guano Tea Twice Per Week. This mix keeps Nitrogen levels @ minimum while boosting Phosphorus Levels to minimize stretching. 09/07/07
DAY 40 -NYCD & RP & PR .Female NYCD left, 2 Kushes in background, 2 RhinoPowerPlantz on right. 09/07/07
DAY 40 -Canopy .Female They are in 1st week of bloom. 2 NYCD in center. 2 Purple Rhinoz Left. 2 Kush in background. 2 PurePowerPlants on Right Side. They grow much faster with this 800w setup than my previous 400w garden. 09/07/07
DAY 40 .Female-PR oscillating f nice branchy purple rhino 09/07/07
DAY 40 .Female-Canopy Silouhett Artistic bloom shot. Getting very crowded. Had to give my Female KaliMist & 1 Female Purple Rhino & 1 Female RhinoPowerPlant away to a fellow grower. 09/07/07
DAY 40 : Close-up Kush .Female Not Bad for Bagseed! I'm not exactly sure what type of Kush...But it's really exotic! 09/07/07
DAY 40 -birdeyshot .Female nycds are very branchy...side-shoots growing faster than main trunk/tip! They are just as branchy as the Purple Rhinos...except it looks like a PR upside down! The PR's are really branchy and have that typical X-Mas Tree type of structure going' on. 09/07/07
DAY 40 -RhinoPower & PR .Female RhinoPowerPlant(RPP X PPP) on top & PurpleRhino Powered on bottom foreground. They look very alike because they have the same father(PurePowerPlant). PurpleRhino is actually PurpleShaman x White Rhino X PurePowerPlant !!! 09/07/07
DAY43 Kush 1 1 Week in Transition. 09/10/07
DAY 43 Kush 2 1 week in transition. 09/10/07
DAY 43 Kush 3 1 week in transition. 09/10/07
DAY 43: 3 Amigos 1 week in transition. Males-nycd,pr,ak47. Already extracted pollen. 09/10/07
DAY 43 NYCD 1 1 week in transition. They started branching out like mad as soon as 12/12 was induced! 09/10/07
DAY 43 NYCD 2 1 week in transition. They started branching out like mad as soon as 12/12 was induced! 09/10/07
DAY 43 PowerRhino 2 1 week in transition. 09/10/07
DAY 43 PowerRhino 1 1 week in transition. Didn't stretch as bad as the other purepowerplant. Note: it's actually a RhinoPowerPlant....PPP x White Rhino. 09/10/07
DAY 43 Purple Rhino 2 50/50 1 week in transition. A very balanced purple rhino 50/50 indica/sativa phenotype. 09/10/07
DAY 43 Purple Rhino 3 Sativa 1 week in transition. Stretch the most and the most Sativa dominant outta the 3 purple rhinos. 09/10/07
DAY 43 Purple Rhino 1 1 week in transition. The most Indica Dominant of the 3 Purple Rhinos. 09/10/07
DAY 56 : 2 center pots removed I move 2 plants from the middle so that I reach & water all of 'em! 09/24/07
DAY 56 Door Shot Only 9 Lolitas can fit! 09/24/07
DAY 56 Kush Pruned - 3 weeks of Kush Pruned @ 3wks bloom. My 5gal Bloom Regimen [2/3cup of each]: PSG,Jamaican or Indonesian Bat Guano,EWC; Kelp. Administer 2x per week:Plain water 1x inbetween. 09/24/07
DAY 56 Kush Unpruned- 3 weeks of Kush Unpruned will finish first at around 8 weeks. 09/24/07
DAY 56 NYCD#2 - 3 weeks of 12/12 NYCD#2 top view of flower clusters. 09/24/07
DAY 56 NYCD #1 - 3 weeks of 12/1 NYCD #1 buds emerging. 09/24/07
DAY 56 NYCD #1 - 3 weeks of 12/1 NYCD #1 is becoming my favorite strain! 09/24/07
DAY 56 purple rhino - 3 weeks of Purple Rhino Flowers emerging. 09/24/07
DAY 56 Purple Rhino Purple Rhino Starburst. 3 weeks of 12/12. 09/24/07
DAY 56: Purple Rhino Purple Rhino on left. NYCD on right. 3 weeks of 12/12. 09/24/07
DAY 56 Vertical MH Vertical Metal Halide Shot 09/24/07
DAY 56 : 3 weeks of 12/12 All 9 of 'em in the hallway.3 weeks of 12/12. Left Rear-2 kushes. Right Rear-Sativa Purple Rhinos & Rhino Powerplant. Right front-2 NYCDS. Left Front-Small Purple Rhino. 09/28/07
DAY 56 Starting from Bathroom: Purple Rhinos and 1 Rhino PowerPlant next to 2 NYCDs. See how much taller these PRs are? 09/28/07
DAY 56 Bloom another hallway sho The PR's are towering over the rest! Definitely only for the experienced grower! 3 weeks of 12/12. Left Rear-2 kushes. Right Rear-Sativa Purple Rhinos & Rhino Powerplant. Right front-2 NYCDS. Left Front-Small Purple Rhino. 09/28/07
DAY 56 Bloom Hallway Shot I'm luvin' the NYCDs! They remain short & bushy!3 weeks of 12/12. Left Rear-2 kushes. Right Rear-Sativa Purple Rhinos & Rhino Powerplant. Right front-2 NYCDS. Left Front-Small Purple Rhino. 09/28/07
DAY 56: 2 NYCDs Both NYCDS 3 weeks of bloom. 3 weeks of 12/12. 09/28/07
DAY 56 Kush I am pleased @ how healthy these 2 Kushes looks! 3 weeks of 12/12. 09/28/07
DAY 56 PR 2 weeks ago; they were as tall as the doornob. 09/28/07
Day70 best canopy budshot: Wk 5 My best canopy shot! Wow! Metal Halide really does improve the quality of buds i'm convinced! 10/07/07
Day70 canopy shot II: Wk 5 of 1 Canopy shot II. Field of buds! 10/07/07
Day70 Kush Unpruned Best Shot!! Kush 1 Unpruned . This is my best shot of Kush unpruned! NYCD in the background. 10/07/07
Day70 Kush unpruned: Wk 5 of 12 Kush 1 unpruned main cola. Indica's definitely grow fast with picture perfect "commercial" type of buds. Very skunky indeed! It will finish before the rest of 'em for sure. 10/07/07
Day70 Pruned Kush: Wk 5 of 12/1 Pruned Skunky Kush. Best smelling outta the two Kushes. I thought it would branch like crazy when I pruned it one time; but i was wrong. Now i simply have to heads instead of one. Smells very sweet & skunky! 10/07/07
Day70 Metal Halide View: Wk 5 o Metal Halide shot. The vertical setup really does keep the heat within "the sweet spot". Plants don't look stressed at all! 10/07/07
Day70 NYCD 1: Wk 5 of 12/12 NYCD 1. My best of both NYCDs. Look at how short & stout she remains. The smell is definitely not "fruity"; more like "citrus"; not like Kush at all. Smells more like skunky & musky than sweet & fruity. I think NYCD#2 smells better. 10/07/07
Day70 NYCD 2 : Wk 5 of 12/12 NYCD 2. Very many tops; yet she remains short & stout! Smells like citrus grapefruit. Smells more like sweet& fruity than skunky & musky. 10/07/07
Day70 NYCD #1: Wk 5 of 12/12 NYCD#1 on left; pruned kush#2 on right. NYCD#1 smells more musky than fruity. No sweet smell; more like tangy grapefruit. 10/07/07
Day70 powerplant : Wk 5 of 12/1 powerplant.Filliin' up nicely for a sativa. Very tall plant. 10/07/07
Day70 Purple Rhino 1 : Wk 5 of purple rhino 1. Wow! Look how beautiful she looks! Calyxes are swollen and the hairs are actually curly rather than spikey! This Lolita is Smokin'! PR#2 smells fruitier, sweeter & more piney than this though. 10/07/07
Day70 purple rhino#2. Best Smell purple rhino#2 smells the fruitiest! Very sweet&piney! Not the musky skunky scent of the Kush. 10/07/07
Day70 NYCD# 2: Wk 5 of 12/12 NYCD #2. very multiple tops. I am so pleased with this Soma strain! Smells like fruity citrus grapefuit. Much less musky skunk than NYCD#1. 10/07/07
DAY 87: Week 7 of 12/12 NYCD #2. As you can see; I had to stake them because she was gaining a lot of weight really fast! She's luvin' the Guano Tea Regimen! Note: I didn't water my garden for 6 entire days just to see how much stress they can handle. Results: other than signs of heat stress due to underwatering; they all handled the stress very well! 10/24/07
DAY 87: Week 7 of 12/12 Drying a few days. pruned kush I 10/24/07
DAY 87: Week 7 of 12/12 Drying a few days. pruned kush II closer look. Very nice. Smoke Report: very strong high without the Couch lock! 10/24/07
DAY 87: Week 7 of 12/12 Drying a few days. pruned kush III 10/24/07
DAY 87: Week 7 of 12/12 2 purple rhinos week 7. PR#1 on left. Shaman Sativa Pheno on right. 10/24/07
DAY 87: Week 7 of 12/12 purple rhino #2: Note: I didn't water my garden for 6 entire days just to see how much stress they can handle. Results: other than signs of heat stress due to underwatering; they all handled the stress very well! 10/24/07
DAY 87: Week 7 of 12/12 purple rhino week 7 sativa dom 10/24/07
DAY 87: Week 7 of 12/12 NYCD#1 10/24/07
DAY 87: Week 7 of 12/12 NYCD,Purple Rhino#1, KUSH unpruned Note: I didn't water my garden for 6 entire days just to see how much stress they can handle. Results: other than signs of heat stress due to underwatering; they all handled the stress very well! 10/24/07
DAY 87: Week 7 of 12/12 KUSH unpruned; bat sized cola! Not bad for bagseed! 10/24/07
DAY 87: Week 7 of 12/12 NYCD,Kush unpruned, Pr Note: I didn't water my garden for 6 entire days just to see how much stress they can handle. Results: other than signs of heat stress due to underwatering; they all handled the stress very well! 10/24/07
Week 8.5 Harvest: NYCD Mid shot of NYCD. Very milky trikes! 10/27/07
Week 8.5 Harvest: NYCD & PR#1 You can see both top main colas in this shot. PR#1 on right. 10/27/07
Week 8.5 Harvest: NYCD & PR#1 Left: NYCD. right:PR#1 My friend stopped by and said they were ready. So I chopped 'em an hour ago. The shorter/bushier one is NYCD. PR#1 didn't turn purple. It remained a white rhino. Still very amazing to look at! I cannot place my hands completely around neither of ' they are definitely ready! 10/27/07
Week 8.5 Harvest: NYCD & PR#1 I had trouble getting both plants entirely into view! The box itself is over 4 feet tall! 10/27/07
Week 8.5 Harvest: PR#1 Looks slender; but I still can't completely place my hand around it! 10/27/07
dried some more PR#1 AND NYCD#2 together 10/30/07
dried some more PR#1 alone 10/30/07
PR#1 in 3d This stuff is NOT FOR SALE! Can you smoke a $100 bill? I think not! I'll smoke you out fer's that? 10/30/07
Collage NYCD#2; PR#1 This harvest yield surpassed my expectations...I fear that I may not need to buy commercial weed ever again! 10/30/07
PR#1 a little drier This doesn't smell as good as PR#2; but it still smells fruity. PR#@ smell exactly like Welch's Grape Soda...I kID u NOT! 10/30/07
PR#1 a little drier: lighter lighter shot: PR#1 is much prettier than nycd or kush to look at. Even thought it didn't turn purple...the orangeness is obvious! I can easily spot the Purple Rhino#1 amongst the other strains with no effort. 10/30/07
nycd#1 a little drier: lighter s It certainly has a sour scent to it...which smells incredible! 10/30/07
nycd #2 a little drier: close-up It's lost a lot of moisture; and shrank quite noticeable. But the density is still there; so is the super strong sour skunky odor! 10/30/07
nycd a little drier: midsection This nycd#2 is very pungent: kinda like gasoline. It is named appropriately. 10/30/07
nycd#2: aunaturale She is ready for the chop. Milky and Amber is now obvious. 10/30/07
kush queen: headshot my budshot of the month 10/30/07
nycd #1: potpourri got guano? 10/30/07
PowerPlant: potpourri got guano? PowerPlant before the chop. 10/30/07
queen kush trimmed fans notice the 4 horns adorned on her crown? I've never seen that before! 10/30/07
week 9 canopyii field of dreams 10/30/07
Got NYCD#1??? right before the chop 10/30/07
Got Shaq? Purple Rhino Powerplant#2; right before the chop. Smells like Welch's Grap Soda! 10/30/07
Rhino PowerPlant in HD right before the chop. Full of flavour! Smells much better than my Kushes. This one smells exactly like Welch's Grape Soda...i kid u not! 10/30/07
Where's Waldo 1 A good place to hide y'think? PR#1 on my right. NYCD#2 on my left. 10/30/07
Where's Waldo 2 PR#1 on my right. NYCD#2 on my left. 10/30/07
Where's Waldo 3 PR#1 on my right. NYCD#2 on my left. I've already had offers for bud in exchange for cash...NO DEAL! I'll smoke ya out fer free...but that'z as far as i'm willing to go with my HomeGrown. Yes. It's that good. It's so Dank...I'd rather smoke it myself than sell it! 10/30/07
Where's Waldo 4 I don't have an issue with the "lawn clipping smell" phenomena. Me thinks thatz becuz 800watts and over 4gal per plant of High Quality soil with at least 8 weeks of 12/12 will ensure that "Bag Appeal" that every Homegrower aspires for! 10/30/07
kush queen bud of the month mind if i say , "wow"??? 10/30/07
Week 9 : 3 pretty sisters Very pretty ain't it? Smokes fantastico...rhino power is the tall cola; shorter cola is nycd#2...and Queen Kush adorned with a 4horned crown in background. 11/02/07
Week 9 : NYCD#2 dried A nice nycd#2 bud chillin' on the laptop. 11/02/07
Week 9 : NYCD#2 dried $30 bud dried already. 11/02/07
Week 9 : NYCD#2 dried That's a $30 bud you're looking at...homegrown. 11/02/07
Week 9 : NYCD#2 dried That's about $60 your lookin' at. 11/02/07
Week 9 Harvest: RhinoPower #3 Right before the chop. My dr chronic seeds arrived in exactly a I hafta make room. I don't have a perpetual setup yet. 11/02/07
Week 9 Harvest :RhinoPower#3 Really swollen braid buds. 11/02/07
Week 9 Harvest: RhinoPower #3 Who wouldn't want their hands on Rhino Power#3??? My 8yr old nephew's artwork in background. 11/02/07
Week 9 Harvest :RhinoPower#4 This RhinoPower is in Good Hands...just chopped. 11/02/07
Week 9 Harvest :RhinoPower#3 Got Guano? Braided buds looks & smell like desert pine cones. 11/02/07
foot long shaman white rhino's are heavily frosted in's jus' too bad my digicam can't do my harvest any justice...but trust me...they look and smell much better in person! 11/06/07
jarhead 1 I'm very happy with the yield...but I know that I can improve. 11/06/07
jarhead 2 I can't show the whole harvest in one shot...but you get the idea... 11/06/07
jarhead 3 Curing well...smells fabulous... 11/06/07
dried shaman very fluffy and lime green 11/06/07

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