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  Mini Computer Grow (Avg Rating: 7.4 in 11 votes)   Top Secret

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Close Up added 01/10/07
Little seedling.
Little seedling.

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Tired of coughing up phlegm?? Here at GrowKind we switched from smoking to vaporizing 10 years ago, and our lungs have never felt better. In that time we have tried every vaporizer you can think of including domes, digital vaporizers, light bulbs, heat guns, and the volcano. Some work better than others but after all that time we still go back every day to our vape pens. Do yourself and your lungs a favor and head over to Vaporwarehouse. Don't Smoke! -- Vaporize!

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  Pictures (22 total)
Germination 5 NL x Shiva seeds from Nirvana. 01/07/07
Next step I submerge the seeds in the water. I stuff a plastic bag in the cup to keep the seeds down. This just helps soften the shells. They will remain in the water for 12 hours, in a dark, room temperature location. 01/07/07
12 hours later After 12 hours in the submerged water. They are then placed on a very moist paper towel. 01/07/07
Moister The seeds get covered with the paper towel. The paper towel remains in a plastic sandwich bag for a high humidity. 01/07/07
In the dark I used a black beenie to keep the bag in. It provides darkness and warmth. 01/07/07
Final step I place the beenie on top of my digital cable box. This provides a warmer temperature. This will also insure that the seeds wont rot. 01/07/07
6 hours later 2 out of the 5 already cracked and are showing there root tips. This is 18 hours from seeds being submerged in water. 01/07/07
1 day after This is the 2nd day since I started to germinated these babys. 1 seed has'nt germinated yet. It might not at all. Im still keeping it in the paper towel. 01/08/07
The Computer So this is where the vegetation is going take place. Yeah I know its small. Ive always wondered how much bud I can yield with minimum space and lights. The 4 seeds that germinated are in the 4" pots. 01/08/07
Inside I hooked up a computer exhaust fan that I purchased at the electronics store. There is also 2 CFL's hanging. They each light up at 1700 lumens. They are rated like a 100W bulb, although the wattage is lower. 01/08/07
Outside Its just a computer...really! 01/08/07
Sprouts Day number 3. All 4 seeds have sprouted. Looks like not too long ago. I originaly started out with 5 seeds. The last seed just did'nt germinate. 01/09/07
Sprouts again 01/09/07
1st day of Seedlings 4th day from seed. Already growing there 1st set of leaves. 01/10/07
Close Up Little seedling. 01/10/07
UPDATE-1 week old seedlings My babies are now 1 week old. No problems with them yet. 01/17/07
Front view 01/17/07
In the room 01/17/07
The area The left comp. is for flowering. The right for veggetation. Right now im using both for veggetation. Im going to sex them in a week. This is due to the limited space. I can only keep 2 females in each computer, with 6" pots. 01/17/07
End of week 2 update So here are the 4. They all started growing side branches a couple days ago. 01/23/07
New branches For a small grow they are doing great. 01/23/07
Top view They are going into the 12/12 photoperiod today. I just dont have space to fit male plants in. 01/23/07

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