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  * MADE IN BRAZIL * Northern Lights / White Rhino - High Tower (Avg Rating: 5.2 in 25 votes)   Brazil - Salvador/BA

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The Arsenal added 10/07/05

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Tired of coughing up phlegm?? Here at GrowKind we switched from smoking to vaporizing 10 years ago, and our lungs have never felt better. In that time we have tried every vaporizer you can think of including domes, digital vaporizers, light bulbs, heat guns, and the volcano. Some work better than others but after all that time we still go back every day to our vape pens. Do yourself and your lungs a favor and head over to Vaporwarehouse. Don't Smoke! -- Vaporize!

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  Pictures (83 total)
My indoor (growing) garden - 360 here i have a 6 plants, 3 Northern Lights and 3 White Rhino 07/04/05
Rubia - NL This NL (Rubia) have 20 days 07/04/05
Lili - NL This NL have 8 days 07/04/05
Aneta - WR this WR born about 3 days 07/04/05
Milenka - WR This is my favorite plant, a WR of 5 days 07/04/05
Milenka again - WR so beautifull 07/04/05
White Rhino - ZOE 5 days to... 07/04/05
Carmen - NL This NL have 21 days and its problably seek, but dosen 07/04/05
Start Growing - Vegetative My indoor garden is all ready working, almost of this plants germinate 07/05/05
The Master, my babes are sleeping... 07/14/05
NL - 20 days Lel 07/14/05
anohter NL... d 07/14/05
3 ..olha a terceira...(to cabreiro)esta tb tem 20 dias ... 07/14/05
olha q beleza as WR Milenka 20 days 07/14/05
Zoe - 20 days WR taun "magavilhosas" 07/14/05
Aneta - 20 days 07/14/05
Rubia 3 weeks ..probably seek...but dosen 07/28/05
Lili 3 weeks this NL is very beautifull...probably female 07/28/05
Carmen 3 weeks ...this NL...was seek but i dont know what she 07/28/05
Zoe 3 weeks ...i dont too??... 07/28/05
Aneta 3 weeks ...i don 07/28/05
Milenka 3 weeks precious!!! 07/28/05
My GARDEN - Vegetative ... 07/28/05
GARDEN Again ...360w daylights 07/28/05
CARMEN 3 weeks have sure about this 07/31/05
My garden today - 17/aug/2005 babes are very seek and i just buy the new light yesterday... :( 08/17/05
Mushrooms??? ...even mushrooms grow in my garden :( 08/17/05
My new light this is a 400watts / my garden gonna grow... 08/17/05
CARMEN - Northern Light ...3 of my 6 plants are dead because the light dosen 08/17/05
Mmmmmmmmmm......cristals :) ..look de resine grow into the delicious :) 08/17/05
My new garden on 29/aug/2005 ...this is my new garden, whit the new light, 400w HPS (vapor de s 08/29/05
New Plant, MARIA - White Rhino .This is a new plant, maria germinate on 20/aug/2005. 08/29/05
New plant, Joana - White Rhino ...Joana it 08/29/05
CARMEN - Northern Light this plant born again,...almost die and now she has the most beautifull plant / Esta quase morreu e agora 08/29/05
CARMEN - Northern Light ...Carmen again... 08/29/05
CARMEN - Northern Lights no coments... 08/29/05
Lili - Northern Lights ...this plant it 08/29/05
Rubia - Northern Light ...this plant is not so good yet, growin but seek / esta planta ainda num ta recuperada, mas continua crescendo, foi mta ingenuidade n 08/29/05
Aneta - WR This plant is very seek, i don 08/29/05
Gardens View ..."eden 08/29/05
Thermometer ...good tempereture, 34 08/29/05
Thermometer the thermometer is hung / O temometro fica pendurado. 08/29/05
Co esta maquina produz Co 08/29/05
Norther Light - Carmen / 5 weeks ...Carmen is happy... 09/12/05
Nothern Light - Carmen / 5 weeks ...look it, have 2 heads... 09/12/05
NL - Carmen / 5 weeks ...These leaves are very healtly... 09/12/05
Northern Lights - Lili / 5 weeks ...Yumy...imaginate :) 09/12/05
Northern Lights - Lili / 5 weeks 09/12/05
NL - Rubia / 4 weeks was seek, but i think she 09/12/05
WR - 5 weeks ...still seek, but ...(like a RUBIA) 09/12/05
WR - Maria / 2 weeks ...maybe dead... :( 09/12/05
WR - Joana / 2 weeks ...let 09/12/05
WR - Joana / 2 weeks ...Joana again... 09/12/05
My Garden on 12/09/2005 plants at work... 09/12/05
Co 2 Machine ...look the bottles, full of Co2... 09/15/05
Co 2 Machine - pic 2 ...the first bath of CO2, i 09/15/05
JANA - Northern Lights (clone) ...This is my first CLONE, i 09/19/05
My Garden on 21/Sep/2005 liga no visual... 09/21/05
NL - Lili ...this NL is very beautifull...was seek, but now... 09/21/05
NL - Carmen ..Carmen it 09/21/05
CANNABIS INDICA 15% of THC sem comentarios... 09/21/05
Jana - NL esta 09/21/05
Jana - NL pic2 :) 09/21/05
Lili e Carmen - NL estas s 09/21/05
The Arsenal ..the 10/07/05
Northern Lights - Growing Seeds Lili...this plant it 10/07/05
Carmen - Northern Lights 10 week ...this NL almost dead, (see next pic) n, i don 10/07/05
Carmen ...very seek... 10/07/05
Carmen again take a look...have 2 heads...n 10/07/05
Lili and Carmen - Happy family ...these are my babes, only this 2 plants real grow, whit "growing seeds"....n 10/07/05
Jana - NL (Carmen) Creating roo This is my firts CLONE, n are still alive creating roots... 10/07/05
Aneta - White Rhino " a lots of my White rhino can 10/07/05
Rubia ..This NL ...same thing.. 10/07/05
Aneta - WR ...same thing.. 10/07/05
NL - Carmen / 10 weeks Veg ...esta 10/23/05
NL - Carmen / 10 weeks pic2 ...vejam pelas divis 10/23/05
NL - Lili / 10 weeks Esta linda planta se desenvolveu com rapidez, e agora ganha o melhor lugar. 10/23/05
NL - Lili / 10 weeks pic2 ...muito saud 10/23/05
NL - Jana / 3 weeks ...depois de desenvolver bem as ra 10/23/05
NL - Jana / 3 weeks pic2 ...isto mostra que o novo produto para enrraizamento, funciona muito bem na produ 10/23/05
NL - Carmen / Another Clones ...i have here 8 more CLONES of my baby....all females :) 11/12/05
NL - Lili (clone) Bianca 3weeks ...Bianca, this beautifull Northern Lights FEMALE i 11/12/05
NL - Lili(clone) Sahskya 3weeks ...Sahskya, 3 weeks 2. 11/12/05

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