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close up added 12/07/05

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  Pictures (80 total)
top view flowering day 15 11/14/03
top view flowering day 15 11/14/03
cola and side hairs! long pink hairs only happened on one of the two???? 11/30/03
pink hairs im thinkin two more weeks 11/30/03
close up mmmmmm hairs mmmmmmmmm crystals 12/06/03
oh my god just look at it 12/06/03
entire plant only 13inches tall but one hot girl 12/06/03
PINK HAIRS!!! looks so tasty, smells like trix 12/06/03
COLA i love this plant 12/06/03
other plant cola this one smells skunky not fruity like her sis 12/06/03
15 on this leaf count em' 15 12/06/03
fruity nug close up of hairs/crystals 12/06/03
cola closeup mmmmmmm 12/06/03
good shot of crystals fruity cola nug 12/06/03
skunky cola different but in a good way 12/06/03
all three seedlings all were started on same day 01/29/04
purple?? under side of leaf on the biggest one very purple, stress? 01/29/04
biggest so far notice branching, only a week 2 days old 02/01/04
all three doing great they like the new set up 02/01/04
update bigest one, had to clip lower leaves due to problem 02/03/04
top view my babies have some kinda spots on leaves 02/03/04
attempted FIM FIMed about 3 days ago and i think i cut too high cause the cut growth is jusdt growing back normal..hmmmmmm 02/10/04
all three doing good 02/12/04
big one i tried to fim, did not work, so i just topped it... i think ? 02/12/04
#2 02/12/04
#3 02/12/04
update 02/15/04
top shot all three 02/15/04
nutes fox farm products are awsome 02/15/04
the biggest one.... after a weekend vacation i came home to some problems 02/23/04
hopefully a female had a great weekend but the plants did not 02/23/04
this one is female... YESSSS it looks like its hurting but i trimmed her up a bit and shell be just fine 02/23/04
all three side shot 02/23/04
all four top shot 02/23/04
thru crack in lights view of female plant almost a month old 02/26/04
topped plant possible male i think 03/01/04
new seedling healthy 03/14/04
400w mh hydrofarm 04/11/04
pt clone day20 flower 04/24/04
claw leaf clone 04/24/04
side view garden gettin big :) 05/02/04
top view garden i like plants 05/02/04
p. t. clone flowering day 29, today will be last day of nutes, pure h20 till harvest 05/04/04
top of pt clone after trim about to be cut down 05/20/04
side shot of pt clone b4 harvest 05/20/04
YEAH anyone wanna match 05/20/04
Clones On the left are a week and a half old, the middle is less than a week, and right is two days old 11/20/04
crazy leaf wow never seen this before 11/30/04
heres a new pink hair lady sweeeeeet bud 01/26/05
entire pink lady day 36 flowering 01/26/05
clone #1 WWxBB day 36 01/26/05
clone #2 WWxBB day36 01/26/05
smaller WWxBB clone still sticky tho 01/31/05
close up grape smelling bud Harvested this plant today.....day41..didnt yield much at all bud damn it is smellllllly 01/31/05
top close up grape smellin cola close up 01/31/05
update sorry about the crap quality my other camera is not here 02/10/05
day 9 day 9 02/11/05
day 64 final shot b4 harvest WWxBB day64 02/25/05
pink hair lady side shot flower day 16 05/07/05
pink hair lady day 16 flower top view, just starting to turn pink 05/07/05
Maui This plant has an intersting story... I found the seed in a 1/8th that I got in Maui. When I planted it I found out it was a natural twin, it had two main shoots from the start. It basically topped itself. SWEET 05/07/05
Maui Top view day 16 flower 05/07/05
for you B you little bastarde' 05/30/05
Flower room update Here is three ladies all same strain far right is farthest along, then far left, then middle.....the little clone in front is a different strain i had to put off to the side because my veg area was overflowing 12/07/05
Veg area update Here is some young stuff 12/07/05
veg area update some mo youngins 12/07/05
dank right some good stuff, only harvested a little bit tho 12/07/05
close up close up while in flowering room 12/07/05
close up close up in regular light 12/07/05
close up nice little shot here 12/07/05
close up twins 12/07/05
ch ch check it out here is some cured bud from the strain shown in "close up" shots 12/07/05
canopy shot of one plant lots of bud sites on this herr' chronicy plant life.... 12/07/05
Classy Glassy Heres what i use to deliver the goods 12/16/05
tower reaching for the sky 01/04/06
Chonic closeup Harvest day!!!!! 01/04/06
A few to chop Well ill be set for a lil while i guess 01/04/06
Decent but not chronic A random strain, have to harvest very early because it naturally goes to seed very early...I am currently erradicating it from my garden 01/04/06
Chronic Cola I guess you could call this the cola even tho i LST and this is really a side nug.....i love lST:) 01/04/06
some herbal for the smokin 01/12/06

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