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  A Garden with Excellent Results (Avg Rating: 8.1 in 44 votes)   Florida, USA

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Plant 2 added 09/03/03
This plant has a bluish tint. The buds are swelling and getting more dense every day. I have included a close-up of these buds in my picture gallery. (See Picture
This plant has a bluish tint. The buds are swelling and getting more dense every day. I have included a close-up of these buds in my picture gallery. (See Picture "maturing bud #2")

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Tired of coughing up phlegm?? Here at GrowKind we switched from smoking to vaporizing 10 years ago, and our lungs have never felt better. In that time we have tried every vaporizer you can think of including domes, digital vaporizers, light bulbs, heat guns, and the volcano. Some work better than others but after all that time we still go back every day to our vape pens. Do yourself and your lungs a favor and head over to Vaporwarehouse. Don't Smoke! -- Vaporize!

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  Pictures (12 total)
plant 1 Plant started from seed on April 30th, 2003. Growing Medium = Soiless Mix with Perlite and Blood meal. Fertilizer = Peters 20-20-20 during Vegetative growth and Miracle-Gro 10-52-10 for flowering. 09/03/03
Plant 2 This plant has a bluish tint. The buds are swelling and getting more dense every day. I have included a close-up of these buds in my picture gallery. (See Picture "maturing bud #2") 09/03/03
Maturing Bud #2 I beleive this plant to be of the "blueberry" strain 09/03/03
Plant #3 (My biggest, thickest p Plant started from seed on April 30th, 2003. Growing Medium = Soiless Mix with Perlite and Blood meal. Fertilizer = Peters 20-20-20 during Vegetative growth and Miracle-Gro 10-52-10 for flowering. 09/03/03
Maturing Bud from plant #3 Thisis a great example of a delicious, maturing bud. 09/03/03
Amazing Crystals and Trichomes This plant is approaching maturity. Note the abundance of crystals and trichomes. 09/03/03
Thickening bud and resinous hair Thickening bud and resinous hairs 09/03/03
Close-up - Harvested and Cured B This plant matured early. I took full advantage of the situation. This bud is very fluffy and light, but very sticky with full and cloudy trichomes with 50% brown hairs. 09/03/03
Close-up - Harvested and Cured A These buds are hanging to dry. they have yet to be cured. 09/03/03

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