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  DSmokers 3rd Round (Glass Slippers, Nirvana White Widow) (Avg Rating: 5.4 in 16 votes)   U.S.A
DescriptionHere we go again. My 3rd round. I have very limited space, so my gardens are always small, is for personal use anyways. I'll be updating this garden at lease every two weeks. This time I'm growing one Nirvana White Widow and two Glass Slippers(Thanks ClosetGrowth). In first try I harvest to early and didn't got the best out of the buds. My second garden Nothernlights was a success, the buds where nice and potent. And this grow I'm giving it my best. This are very good strains and I have been looking foward to grow them. This time I'm going organic. The soil I'm using is Wiggle Worm Soil Builder organic soil mix with a little Fox Farm Ocean Forest organic soil. For ferts while vegging I'm using Botanicare Pure Blend Pro organic fert. Also use Superthrive in every I water.
# Plants2
StrainsGlass Slippers
Lights175w MH and 300w HPS
MediumWiggle Worm and Fox Farm organic
First Marijuana Picture

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  Pictures (35 total)
Both of the Glass Slippers looking good. 06/14/03
GS just transplanted the GS into the 5 gallon buckets. The WW was confirme as male so its out of the game. 06/14/03
Top shot of GS look at all that new growth. 06/14/03
soon to be flower 2 more weeks and is 12-12 time. 06/14/03
can wait to see them flower. got to love growing! 06/14/03

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