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  my first garden =p (Avg Rating: 5.3 in 36 votes)   NW .England
Descriptionhey ,this is my first attempt at gardening ,,and it shows :) anyways ,this garden is located in a 4ft x 2 ft box,in an alley between 2 houses,,and is equipped with a cloaking device ,,to stop detection from officers of the law :( anyway this was a spur of the moment idea,just growin with stuff i had a available at the time,another much larger garden is being made as we speak ,for when plants are put into flowering,,,well cant wait to see the end of this experiment,,( i got seeds from a friend ,and he said they a mixture ) ,anyways ,hopefully in a few months i have some mystery bud ?? mm mm nice
# Plants8
Strainsmystery ganja
Lights4 x flourescent
First Marijuana Picture

Tired of coughing up phlegm?? Here at GrowKind we switched from smoking to vaporizing 10 years ago, and our lungs have never felt better. In that time we have tried every vaporizer you can think of including domes, digital vaporizers, light bulbs, heat guns, and the volcano. Some work better than others but after all that time we still go back every day to our vape pens. Do yourself and your lungs a favor and head over to Vaporwarehouse. Don't Smoke! -- Vaporize!

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  Pictures (29 total)
PLant G & H - 24 days Here is some dark plants 08/29/02
PLant F - 24 days Too Stoned 08/29/02
Plant E - 24 days E ,Looks OK 08/29/02
PLant C - 24 days Sick PLant :(( well has deformed leades 08/29/02
Plant B - 24 days here is plant B ,looks pretty nice ,,hope its a SHE 08/29/02
Garden ( Topview) - 24 days growin a bit better now ,than the slow start they had 08/29/02
Side View 1 - 24 days cmon,grow!! grow!! grow!! 08/29/02
Phat Leaf (topview) - 24 days phat leaf from the top 08/29/02
My Garden - 21 days hey this is my first attempt at growin smoke,,hope it turns out well ,started from mystery seeds,,a new floweirng garden is being built as we speak ,,with a HPS light,so in a few weeks ,i gonna start flowerin :)) 08/29/02

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