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  Mini Monsters (Avg Rating: 8.4 in 160 votes)   Aotearoa
DescriptionAfghani #1 mongrel. Started from clones using potting mix mixed with Rootblast. For the vegetation cycle i used 4 x 4ft flurouscents, 2 which are cool white and two that are grow lux. For the flowering cycle i am using a "Phillips" Sont-t-agro 400w h.p.s. I have two seperate lightproof chambers, with a exhaust fan directly behind the 400w and also a desk fan circulating the cooler air towards the light. My fertiliser regime consists of using Superthrive with every watering. Earth juice Grow for vegetation and Earth juice Bloom and Catalyst for Flower. Early in flower i introduced some Shultz Iron green for some extra needed Nitrogen. PTKO
# Plants2
StrainsAfghani #1 Mongrel
MediumPotting Mix with rootblast
Yield#1 4.5oz #2 6-7oz
First Marijuana Picture

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  Pictures (42 total)
The Growchambers Closed My 4 foot high bench converted into 3 seperate cupboards 09/04/02
The Growchambers Open All open, and daytime for both 09/04/02
Day 106 Flower 51 All on its lonesome but taking full advantage of the light. 09/05/02
Day 113 Flower 58 About to get dark, sollitary confinement. 09/07/02
Harvest #2 Bud The Biggest Bud off the Biggest plant. 09/08/02
Harvest #2 Trimmed After the fan leaves are cut off. 09/08/02
Harvest #2 Untrimmed Just out of the box 09/08/02
Day 2 Revegging Back under the Fluros for a second go 09/09/02
Harvest #2 Hanging Drying 09/09/02
Day 12 Still Revegging Slowly coming back to life, although i have neglected her a bit. 09/19/02

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