JohnnyG's bst Trees (Avg Rating: 7.7 in 43 votes)
Description | This plant was planted shortly after new years and is now an adult blueberry blush plant. Early in its veging stages i cut numerouse leaves and fed it hi-iron, that gave an extra kick in its early mietosis stages which obviously bushed it out. on its 4th week of veging it looked like a palm tree after the clippings. Immediatly after, about a day or so, i noticed the tiny leaves on the stems were elongating and forming into new branches. I was suprised at the plants potential and the cuttings never hurt it they only concentrated the energy of the plant on spicific areas. the bud from the plant will be some of the best, i might even call high times and have a smoke out whene this girl finishes. I would like to hear any comments or suggestion from any one who knows what thier doing. My e-mail is | Type | Indoor | # Plants | 1 | Strains | Blueberry Blush/ and a lil chronic plant | Lights | Sun (sky light) 12/12 | Medium | Miricle grow/hydro cote | Yield | prbly 1 lb. | |
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Title | Description | Added | 5/11 |
05/22/05 |
may 13 |
05/22/05 |
may 16 |
05/22/05 |
Right Stem |
look how leaves are just growing straight out of the stem. |
05/22/05 |
 | update: May 25 |
05/25/05 |
6/6/05 |
Its growing great and fast, it should fully bud in about another month. this pic is right after the clippings were done. there is some signs of purple hairs and its smell is unmistakable! |
06/06/05 |
water supply |
only the best for my baby, 100% pure water for it twice a day. The pure water helps the buds grow fluffy and with no chemicles other than THC, the high i can guarantee will be amazing and the taste will be like the finest hydro. |
06/06/05 |
top view |
06/06/05 |
6/8/05 |
Ive been measuring the grow rate and in about a week its grown 6.8 inches which is about an inch a day on each mature branch. after about 2 weeks i will stop all clippings and just let it bud, if flowering starst soon. |
06/10/05 |
top view 6/8/05 |
06/10/05 |
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