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Day 1 of 12/12 - The Two Big One added 06/03/05
These two are beaming. Very green and thick steams. Plant 2 has  MASSIVE leaves although it looks like plant 1 has bigger leaves in this photo
These two are beaming. Very green and thick steams. Plant 2 has MASSIVE leaves although it looks like plant 1 has bigger leaves in this photo

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  Pictures (35 total)
Sick Plant (close up) At the start of this grow we had 9 plants in 2 separate trays everything was the same except for a new type of expnded clay. The plants stuggled for the first week 05/02/05
Wilting Plant There are a few ideas about what happened. I think the different clay dried out to quickly causing the concentration of nutrient on the roots to increase causing the slight burn you see in this picture and just the general shitty condition of all the plants grown in the medium 05/02/05
The Lot You can't really see in this photo but the plants up front are the big ones now and the plants in the tray at the back are in the bin 05/02/05
Day 1 of 12/12 - The Two Big One These two are beaming. Very green and thick steams. Plant 2 has MASSIVE leaves although it looks like plant 1 has bigger leaves in this photo 06/03/05
Day 1 12/12 - All the plants (th 5 Plants in this photo the plant front and middle is the only plant that survived from the other tray 06/03/05
Day 1 - 12/12 - Big Steams Growing very nicely 06/03/05
Day 6 - 12/12 The two big ones have now totally filled this end of the tray. Time for some very smart tyeing down or it could get messy later 06/08/05
Day 6 - 12/12 - All The Plants The three plants at the front are stuggling. The one on the left we thought was a male and its turned out not to be. The plant next to it is started to get shaded by the "male" and the other one is coming along. The two big ones are at the back 06/08/05
Day 6 - 12/12 - Bud Sites Bud sites are everywhere. This is when growing starts to get exciting 06/08/05
Day 6 - 12/12 - Bud Site Close U The first couple sets of pistols have appeared 06/08/05
Day 6 - 12/12 - Big Leaves As you can see they are bigger then my hand. Llook at my finger compared to the finger it is next to, and i have big hands, but not as big as this girl. 06/08/05
Day 6 - 12/12 - Overview Nothing special.....just the lights in the shade with some girls that i just finished tieing up 06/08/05
Day 6 - 12/12 - Overview This shot clearly shows the size difference between the 3 plants that are struggling and the 2 plants that are booming - that the problem with seed in my opinion - we got clones of the 2 big ones, but one of them has really thick stems and is unmanagable....we'll see how they smoke 06/08/05
Day 14 - 12/12 - Bud Close-Up Buds starting to develop very very nicely. Lots of pistols but no Trichomes yet 06/18/05
Day 14 - 12/12 - Overview The plants are growing. 6 weeks left 06/18/05
Day 14 - 12/12 - This is the "male" plant. Considering the lack of attention it got because we were sure it was male hasn't slowed it down. Was a bit tricky to tie down but its all sorted now 06/18/05
Day 14 - 12/12 - Closer up - looking the other way. The branches on the outside of the tray we allow to grow up as high as they want. We figured the they are only catching and using light that would be wasted otherwise 06/18/05
Day 14 - 12/12 - Tieing Down We were showed how to tie down when we were taught to grow, it works for us-----this photo just shows how we end up with a flat canopy after tieing down 06/18/05
Day 14 - 12/12 - Strings This phot shows how many stings you need to get that flat canopy, and this is before we tied down again.....once more and that should get us though to the end, maybe a few to hold buds UP 06/18/05
Day 25 - 12/12 - The Big Bitches Coming along nicely....The buds are almost full now, trichomes are everywhere and started to get resin glands on the ends 07/02/05
Day 25 - 12/12 - Another Big lea This leaf is even bigger then the other photo i took. Yes, that is a really big bud behind the leaf too 07/02/05
Day 25 - 12/12 - Male The plant we thoguth was a male is very nice and very stinky 07/02/05
Day 25 - 12/12 - Male Around the other side of the male 07/02/05
Day 25 - 12/12 - Bugs We were told these bugs are safe, but they are still there 07/02/05
Day 25 - 12/12 - Bug Nest All the bugs seem to be comeing in and out of an area about 50cm round, and the only spot in the light 07/02/05
Day 25 - 12/12 - Trichomes Very close up shot of the trichomes developing. I know the plant looks like it has allot but this picture proves it 07/02/05
Day 25 - 12/12 - Bud Shots Nice buds from plant 2 07/03/05
Day 25 - 12/12 - Bud Shots Nice buds from the "male" 07/03/05
Day 32 - 12/12 - Buds Getting fat 07/09/05
Day 32 - 12/12 - Buds Lots and lots of buds....and strings. 07/09/05
Day 32 - 12/12 - Buds You can see how the two shades are connected togeather in this shot. Useing all the factory holeswe overlaped the the two end and the put the last few screws through all the peices. And you can see all the plants 07/09/05
Day 32 - 12/12 - Buds Day 32 - 12/12 - 2 Big Buds 07/09/05
Male Pollen Sack A male bit (we think) 07/16/05
Male Pollen Sack & Seeds Bellow The only bunch of seeds we can see. The Red box is the flower/polllen sack and the black box is were the seeds are 07/16/05
Male Pollen Sack More pollen sacks and some unknown shit 07/16/05

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