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  Lil Cubboard Garden (Avg Rating: 5.5 in 16 votes)   Uk

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Budding Stage added 08/13/05
Yet another pic of budding
Yet another pic of budding

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Tired of coughing up phlegm?? Here at GrowKind we switched from smoking to vaporizing 10 years ago, and our lungs have never felt better. In that time we have tried every vaporizer you can think of including domes, digital vaporizers, light bulbs, heat guns, and the volcano. Some work better than others but after all that time we still go back every day to our vape pens. Do yourself and your lungs a favor and head over to Vaporwarehouse. Don't Smoke! -- Vaporize!

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  Pictures (28 total)
earlystages This was taken before i raised the plants and tinfoiled all sides. 04/17/05
Garden1 Picture of overall garden. Week 1 Stage. 04/18/05
Garden2 Another Picture of overall garden. Week 1 Stage. 04/18/05
Leaf Design Week 1 Picture of Leaf development, a bit blurred--- week 1. 04/18/05
2 plants back to back 2 plants next to eachother at the week 1 stage under the Flo lamp. 04/18/05
Garden Overview All of the garden in an overview showing tacky boosters and tacky frame :D. 04/18/05
Runtplant Smallest plant and curling under leaves 04/19/05
Runtplant2 Smallest plant and curling under leaves 04/19/05
2-3 week stage Thier inbetween 2-3 weeks old now. 05/01/05
Plants Post-Reformation This is a picture of my plants after i repotted em in an attempt to reduce stem size. 05/10/05
6 Weeks One of my babies at 6 weeks. 05/24/05
Another Plant at 6 Weeks 6 Weeks old Plantykins. 05/24/05
Yellow Leaved Plant with yellow leaves :\ 6 weeks. 05/24/05
Shrivvled Plant Shrivvled litle runt plant 6 weeks. 05/24/05
Budding Stage Im pretty sure they are pollen sacks but.... who knows. 08/13/05
Budding Stage Another pic of budding, unsure of sex. 08/13/05
Budding Stage Yet another pic of budding 08/13/05
Deathrow All 3 male plants on death row. 08/14/05
Main Terrorist Plant Ready for E We gave him a gun and 1 bullet. We returned several minuites later to see if he had done the honourable thing. 08/14/05
Times up for male plant Dead Plant walkin on the green mile. 08/14/05
Pre-Harvest final only female pl Read the title 09/26/05
Crop2 10/03/05
Crop2a 10/03/05
crop2b 10/17/05
crop2c 10/17/05
crop2d 10/17/05
crop2e 10/17/05
crop2f 10/17/05

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